2SH Photo Gallery Autumn 2021-22

Autumn Term 2020/21
European Languages Day 
Autumn 1
Class 2SH have spent our first half-term learning all about the Hindu Dharma in RE. We all enjoyed a Diwali party to celebrate all of our learning. We dressed up, tried different foods, and handled artefacts. Well done, 2SH!
Autumn 2
Science Theme Day
2SH have enjoyed a super Science theme day all about inside our bodies! We learned about the different parts of our bodies, then focused on our skeletons, learning the names of different bones, and why we have a skeleton. 
Autumn 2
Children in Need 2021
Autumn 2
Road Safety Week
Autumn 2
Anti-Bullying Day 2021
Autumn 2
We decorated the classroom door for Christmas
Autumn 2
We made a wish on a star and put it to the Christmas tree
Autumn 2
Christmas Lunch Day