2WR Photo Gallery Autumn 2021-22

Autumn Term

Eric Carle stories

In English we have been exploring stories by the same Author, we choose to look at Eric Carle. We have enjoyed looking at the stories “The very Hungry Caterpillar”, “Brown bear brown bear” and “The very busy spider”. We have explored the stories through sensory and practical activities.



Autumn Term

Mental Health Day

As a class we listened to songs we enjoy singing and dancing too. We enjoyed time with the calming candle and the coloured cubes, and decorated our own pictures using everything yellow.

Autumn Term

PSHE- The Colour Monsters

In class we have explored the story “The Colour Monsters” as we have been looking at emotions. The story has helped us all to understand our emotions. We loved the colour monster teddies and exploring this story though many activities.


Autumn Term

Science- Habitats

In Science we have been looking at Animals around us. We explored making faces using pictures and art materials. We have also been looking at animals and where they might live. We enjoyed exploring the habitats through farm toys, sand, water and leaves in sensory trays.

Autumn 2
Remembrance Day
We decorated the classroom door for Remembrance Day