3G Photo Gallery Spring 2021-22

Food Technology / SCERTS / ASDAN

This term we have been exploring our favourite foods.  We have looked at foods we like and don’t like and create a list of our favourite food items.  Throughout the term we have planned, created, baked and cooked a range of our favourite foods.  Our favourite lesson was identifying and creating our favourite breakfast.  We have worked hard on our communication and social group skills.  We have also worked hard on preparing and clearing away our equipment and work area independently.

Maths – Measures

In the first half of this spring term, we have been working on different measurements in our maths lessons.  We have explore different capacities as well as the concepts of ‘tall’, ‘short’, ‘big’ and ‘small’.  We have linked objects, pictures and symbols and sorted these objects into different categories using the mathematical language and concepts we have learnt about.

World Book Day 2022

We all enjoyed world book day this year!  We explored the story of the Stick man and created our own Stick Men!  Throughout the day we made, sensory sticks, Stick men biscuits and also created our own Stick Man story map.