Welcome to Hawk

Welcome to Hawk Class

Mrs Bani (Class teacher)  

Mrs Milnes (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Muir (Teaching Assistant)


The Hawk team all hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful and relaxing summer break! We are very excited to welcome you back to a brand new school year.


You are about to begin your journey into Year 10 or 11 and although this is an important period in your life, you will have lots of fun learning new experiences and gaining new skills.

During the year we will be sharing pictures and information so that you can see what we've been learning in school via Evidence for learning and/or on the website.

In Hawk, some of the lessons are taught by different teachers and you may need to work in a different room.

If you choose to have a school dinner, you will be having your lunch in the school hall. If you usually have a packed lunch then a room will allocated for KS4 classes to sit in.

Pupils are also welcome to bring a healthy snack to have at break time and we also recommend that they bring their own water bottle with fresh water every day.

Our PE day is Wednesday. Please ensure that your child has the correct school PE kit in school with them each day. As we move into the winter months, please ensure that children have an appropriate school PE jumper and jogging bottoms to keep them warm during outside PE lessons.


Either Maths or English Homework will be given out on Friday and will be expected to be handed in the following Friday as well as weekly spellings.


We have a home and school book that is used for parents/guardians to share information regarding appointments or any other information regarding their child’s wellbeing. Please remind your child to bring this in daily.

Mrs Bani, Mrs Milnes and Mrs Muir