Badger Autumn Term Photo Gallery

Autumn 1
Our English topic has been Myths and Legends. We have included lots of adjectives in our writing and have created our own Myths using 'talk for writing'. We also work on our phonics and spelling skills each week. In Maths, we have been working on place value, number bonds and addition and subtraction. We have been using lots of different strategies to help us with our calculations.
Autumn 1
In Maths, we have been working on place value, number bonds and addition and subtraction. We have been using lots of different strategies to help us with our calculations.
Autumn 1
In Computing, we have been working on typing skills and how to change font, colour and size. We have been copying and pasting images from the internet and have then used these skills to create our own PowerPoint presentations.
Autumn 1
In Science, we have been finding out aboou natural light vs electricity. Here are our pictures of us investigating the effects of static electricity.
Autumn 1
Art and Design Technology
In Art and D.T., we have been creating 3D sculptures and have designed and created our own bags.
Autumn 1
In P.E., we have been trying hard to develop our skills and control in hockey.