Curriculum Overview 2023-2024

Curriculum Overview 23-24

Curriculum aims

Our curriculum aims/intends to:

Provide a broad and balanced education for all pupils that’s coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge for skills and future learning and employment

Enable pupils to develop knowledge, understand concepts and acquire skills, and be able to choose and apply these in relevant situations

Enjoyment, interest, motivation and ‘achievement for all’ is embedded across our curriculum

Support pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

Support pupils’ physical development and responsibility for their own health, and enable them to be active

Promote a positive attitude towards learning

Promote the learning and development of our youngest children and ensure they are ready for Key Stage 1

Ensure equal access to learning for all pupils, with high expectations for every pupil and appropriate levels of challenge and support

Offer a range of accreditation pathways at Key Stage 4 which will enhance their opportunities beyond Green Lane School

Equip pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life

Provide opportunities that support pupils’ learning and progression, and enable them to work towards achieving their goals thus enhancing opportunities beyond Green Lane School

Develop pupils’ independent learning skills and resilience, to equip them for further education, supported internships, voluntary work and paid employment

Our school curriculum includes:-

  • Individual Speech & Language programmes carried out by trained Speech & Language therapy assistants.
  •  Additional targeted interventions in core subjects, as required.
  •  Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and sensory programmes for pupils where needed.
  •  ‘Talk about’ groups.
  •   Independent Travel training.
  •   Career’s Advice and Guidance.
  •   Forest School.

The wider curriculum at Green Lane also includes additional focused maths and English tuition, music tuition, educational visits, library visits, residential visits, sensory centre visits, food technology, Inclusive Sports, art exhibitions and enrichment weeks.

Middle leaders plan a coherent curriculum for their subject which is adapted by class teachers to meet the differing needs of pupils at Green Lane School. Planning considers the intent, implementation and impact of teaching and learning on pupil’s knowledge and skills, and supports pupils in gaining a deeper understanding over time (please refer to individual subject policies.)


Pupils in the Foundation Stage follow a curriculum that is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and are currently assessed using the Early Steps Bsquared summative assessment tool.

Pupils work on topics or themes on a 2 year cycle. They access learning in small groups, individually and through continuous provision activities. Emphasis is placed on recording progress through adult directed and child initiated activities, this is recorded using Evidence for Learning.

Pupils engage in daily English and maths activities. Synthetic phonics is taught using Essential Letters and Sounds. Pupils receive ‘Reading Awards’ once they have read a specific number of books and are encouraged to read at home and at school. Pupils have daily access to outdoor provision which is planned for as part of the EYFS continuous curriculum.

We use the Evidence for Learning (EfL) app to capture pupil progress and assist with our assessments and moderation.

Key Stage 1

At Key Stage 1 (KS1) there are 12 subjects (English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, PSHE – including Citizenship, Physical Health & Mental Wellbeing and Relationships Education, History, Geography, Art and Design, Design and Food Technology, Music, PE and Religious Education.)

Pupils in Key Stage 1 work on topics or themes over a 2 year cycle. They access role play, imaginative/small world play, construction play, sand/water play and physical play relative to their overall development with links to curriculum areas where appropriate.

Pupils have a daily English and maths lesson and synthetic phonics is taught using Essential Letters and Sounds. Pupils are provided with lots of opportunities to develop reading skills and encouraged to read for pleasure. Classes follow a progressive reading path; modelling, encouraging and supporting reading throughout every school day. This includes sharing books at home with parents and carers. Reading is celebrated across school and is valued within all curriculum areas. Pupils receive ‘Reading Awards’ once they have read a specific number of books. Pupils are assessed in English, maths, PSHE, Science and Computing using Bsquared summative assessment tool (Engagement Model or Progression Steps dependent on class.) Foundation subjects are assessed using internal formats.

We use the Evidence for Learning (EfL) app to capture pupil progress and assist with our assessments and moderation.

Key Stage 2

At Key Stage 2 (KS2) there are 13 subjects (English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, PSHE - including Citizenship, Physical Health & Mental Wellbeing and Relationships Education, History, Geography, Art and Design, Design and Food Technology, Music, PE, Religious Education and Modern Foreign Languages, Spanish.)

Pupils in Key Stage 2 work on topics or themes over a 2 year cycle (pupils in our KS2 Autism department follow a 4 year cycle.) Pupils begin learning Spanish in Bluebell class in the summer term and access swimming lessons at Years 5+6.

Pupils have a daily English and maths lesson and synthetic phonics is taught using Essential Letters and Sounds (for pupils in our discrete Autism classes, phonics is taught using POPAT.) Pupils are provided with lots of opportunities to develop reading skills including shared reading, 1:1 reading and reading for pleasure. Classes follow a progressive reading path; modelling, encouraging and supporting reading throughout every school day. This includes sharing books at home with parents and carers. Reading is celebrated across school and is valued within all curriculum areas.

Pupils are assessed in English, maths, PSHE, Science and Computing using Bsquared summative assessment tool. Foundation subjects are assessed using internal formats. End of key stage assessments are made through teacher assessments.

We use the Evidence for Learning (EfL) app to capture pupil progress and assist with our assessments and moderation.

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3 (KS3) there are 13 subjects (English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, PSHE - including Citizenship, Physical Health & Mental Wellbeing and Relationships and Sex Education, History, Geography, Art and Design, Design and Food Technology, Music, PE, Religious Education and Modern Foreign Languages, Spanish.) Pupils follow an adapted National Curriculum for all the core and foundation subjects.

Pupils are grouped by attainment levels and use lots of activities and interactive resources to get the most out of the sessions.

Pupils in Key Stage 3 work on topics or themes over a 2/3 year cycle depending on the class group (pupils in our KS3/4 Autism department follow a 4 year cycle.)

Pupils are assessed in English, maths, PSHE, Science and Computing using Bsquared summative assessment tool. Foundation subjects are assessed using internal formats. End of key stage assessments are made through teacher assessments.

Pupils have a daily English and maths lesson and synthetic phonics is taught using Essential Letters and Sounds. Pupils are provided with lots of opportunities to develop reading skills including shared reading, paired reading, 1:1 reading and reading for pleasure, including reading with parents/carers at home. Pupils receive ‘Reading Awards’ once they have read a specific number of books. Classes follow a progressive reading path; modelling, encouraging and supporting reading throughout every school day. Reading is celebrated across school and is valued within all curriculum areas.

We use the Evidence for Learning (EfL) app to capture pupil progress and assist with our assessments and moderation.

Key Stage 4

It is our intention at Key Stage 4 to provide as many relevant accreditation opportunities as possible. Key Stage 4 learners are organised into attainment groups for all areas of the curriculum ensuring that we have pathways of qualifications and accreditations at levels appropriate to each group. This academic year our pupils are working towards the following pathways to accreditation.

  • English AQA Step up to English - Entry Level 1/2/3
  • Maths AQA  – Entry Level 1/2/3
  • Maths AQA – Level 1 – Functional Skills
  • Computing Functional Skills - Entry Level 1/2/3
  • Science -Asdan Short course
  • PE OCR Entry Level 1/2/3
  • Food Technology Asdan Short course
  • ASDAN Personal Progress – Diploma - Entry Level 1
  • ASDAN Personal Development Programme – Bronze, Silver and Gold Award
  • ASDAN Personal and Social Development - Entry Level 1/2/3
  • Employability Asdan Entry Level 2/3
  • Art OCR Entry Level 1/2/3

Through ASDAN and other pathways at key stage 4 pupils are encouraged to think about life beyond Green Lane School. This includes employment, independent living, community participation and health. Our careers lead works closely with class teachers to plan and provide opportunities to explore opportunities beyond school including; college, supported internships, voluntary and paid employment and more. Parents, carers and the wider staff are encouraged to be actively involved in these activities such as ‘Moving On’ – careers open evening’ and on site work experience in our onsite café. Careers guidance is provided by a trained Careers Advisor in years 10 and 11. Please refer to our careers policy.

Pupils in Key Stage 4 work on pathway modules over a 2 year cycle.

Pupils are assessed in English, maths, PSHE, Science and Computing using Bsquared summative assessment tool. Foundation subjects are assessed using internal formats. End of key stage assessments are made through teacher assessments. In addition to this pupil’s accreditation work files follow a rigorous internal and external moderation cycle to confirm teacher judgements and provide recognised qualifications.

Pupils have a daily English and maths lesson and synthetic phonics is taught using Essential Letters and Sounds. Pupils who have completed phase 6 continue to consolidate their phonic knowledge across the curriculum. Pupils are provided with lots of opportunities to develop reading skills including shared reading, paired reading, 1:1 reading and reading for pleasure. Pupils are encouraged to read independently and as appropriate read with parents/carers at home. Pupils receive ‘Reading Awards’ once they have read a specific number of books. Classes follow a progressive reading path; modelling, encouraging and supporting reading throughout every school day. Reading is celebrated across school and is valued within all curriculum areas.

We use the Evidence for Learning (EfL) app to capture pupil progress and assist with our assessments and moderation.

Autism Department

In addition to the relevant key stage curriculum described above, pupil’s in our discreet autism classes follow the SCERTS curriculum. SCERTS is an evidence-based framework that provides guidelines for helping an individual become a competent social communicator and an active learner. Guidelines are also provided to help an individual to be most available for learning and to prevent problem behaviours.

Key Stage 5

Woolston Sixth Form College

Woolston 6th Form College educates and supports students aged 16-19 years old. Students come from Green Lane School, Fox Wood School and other schools within Warrington and surrounding local authorities.

Curriculum pathways are individualised so that students develop the skills they need for life and potential careers. Woolston Sixth Form College currently offer a range of accredited courses from Open Awards, OCR and Ascentis focusing on functional skills, life skills and work skills. All students also participate in creative sessions and sport & leisure sessions, allowing them to access the community. The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme is completed in college and students work on Bronze and Silver Awards in their time at college.

The curriculum provides the opportunity to build an individualised, rich and varied learning programme based around a wide range of skill areas that will suit individual student’s skills and interests.

A full work experience programme is designed around the interests of students and this links with the curriculum to help students to achieve their aims and targets with as much independence as possible.

All areas of the curriculum tie in with the Preparation for Adulthood Framework as staff endeavor to provide equal life chances for all students as they move into adulthood.