Autumn 1
Black History Month
Handa’s Surprise
Our topic this term is Africa, so this fitted in nicely with black history month. We chose to focus on the book Handa’s surprise and we have engaged and taken part in lots of activities based on the book. Everyone in Daisy class has enjoyed the activities and the book.
Maths – money
This term we have spent a couple of weeks focusing on money. We have enjoyed lots of practical tasks using coins and role playing shop.
Attention Autism
In Daisy class we love our weekly attention autism sessions. So far this term we have enjoyed dancing, singing, sensory, painting and glitter. Each week we have a different theme and our favourite part is joining in and watching our friends.
Autumn 1
Daisy Class Fun
We have been getting to know each other this half term and have bonded as a class. We have enjoyed lots of time together sharing and having fun! We really enjoy our sensory room sessions and bond with each other in the calm, quiet environment! We can’t wait for the rest of the year together.
We have been working on lots of practical activities in maths this term. We enjoy our measurement activities and use practical equipment to solve problems
Voice your choice
Four voice your choice this term we partnered up with Rose class. We chose cooking, sensory and outdoor bikes as our favourite activities. We enjoyed our carousel of activities and engaged in all of the provision.