Autumn 1
Shopping at ASDA
We went to Asda to buy ingredients for a cake sale we are organizing as part of PSD and Foodwise. We had a budget of £40 so did research before we went on the cheapest items we could buy and how much we would need. We chose to make a vanilla sandwich cake, biscuits and chocolate fudge cake.
Autumn 1
Making Toast
As part of our communication module we made toast. We had to follow diagrams and instructions to make something then we had to use our practical experience to improve the diagrams and instructions.
Autumn 1
Visiting the Library
We went to Woolston library to do our ASDAN accreditation work. The challenge was to show that we could obtain information from a library and that we could find and research information from a reference book. We found out how to join the library and we researched a topic we were interested in from a reference book we chose.
Autumn 1
Using the Telephone
One of our ASDAN challenges was to obtain information by using a telephone, first we looked at how to make a phone call, what we needed to say, how the phone works etc, then we picked a person to call and thought of a question we could ask them, finally we recorded the information we received.