In English, our topic has been Myths and Legends. We explored the legend of Robin Hood and discussed if Robin Hood was real or not. We had the opportunity to explore Robin Hood sensory activities and engage in different writing activities. We also read the story ‘The Singing Mermaid’ and explored the myth of mermaids. We really enjoyed learning about Myths and Legends!
We have been learning how to make E-books in computing. We have been learning how to use the Purple Mash app ‘2 Create a Story’, to create our own E-books. We learnt how to draw pictures, add pages, backgrounds, animation and sound to our stories. We have enjoyed exploring the different features on the app and had the opportunity to show our E-books to our friends. We had so much fun with this topic!
In DT, we have been learning about 'Where food comes from’. We have learnt about where different types of food come from and we have explored this through small world play, researching online and sorting activities. We also made our own fruit salads to eat at snack time and planted our own cress to see how it grows!
In MFL, we have been learning how to count to 10 in Spanish! We have played lots of counting games, learnt new Spanish counting songs and we pretended to have a birthday party, where we counted our age in Spanish. We have enjoyed lots of group activities and engaged in turn taking games. We have done amazing learning in Spanish this term!