Rabbit Spring Term Photo Gallery


We recently made omelettes in Food Tech. We planned our recipes and then chose our own fillings before making them.


In science we have been learning about how to build electrical circuits. We have been using a range of components and we've also been investigating materials that act as conductors and insulators.


Another of our science topics was about blood. We learnt all about how blood is made up of liquid, cells and plasma and then we recreated it using, marshmallows, sweets and food dye!

Clay pots

As part of our last art topic, we researched, designed and made our own clay pots. It was messy but lots of fun!


In DT we have designed and made our own clocks. Each clock we made had a fully working clock mechanism. We linked this to the work we were doing in maths on telling the time.

Maths Puzzles

We used our knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 to solve these puzzles. Some of us even made our own puzzles!