Rose Autumn Term Photo Gallery

Autumn 1
Black History Month

Our focus for October is Black History Month. To celebrate this, we have been making music using African drums and have made a collage to create an outfit for an African person.

Autumn 1
European Languages Day

On European Languages Day, we investigated Spain. We had a Spanish-themed Attention Autism lesson and decorated a Spanish flag using paint and glitter. We all enjoyed dancing to Spanish music!

Autumn 1
World Poetry Day

To celebrate World Poetry Day, we have explored poems about mini beasts, shapes and teddies. We have explored objects relating to the poems within our Continuous Provision activities.

Autumn 1
Roald Dahl Day

In September we celebrated Roald Dahl day. We made our own ‘Marvelous Medicines’, explored a ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ themed sensory tray and ordered ‘James’s Giant Peach’ from giant to tiny.

Autumn 1

World Peace Day

We celebrated World Peace day in Rose class by making doves our of our hand and finger prints. We enjoyed the sensory experience of painting our hands!

Autumn 2
Celebrating Diwali

We celebrated Diwali by wearing traditional clothes and making Diwali sweets. We all did well to dress up and try different foods!

Autumn 2

We have all made our Christingles and taken part on our Lower School Christingle service. We enjoyed the service, especially eating the sweets afterwards!

Autumn 2
Dear Zoo

In our English lessons, we have been exploring the book ‘Dear Zoo’. We have reenacted the book using props and have built a tower to tell the story. We all shared and took turns with our friends.