Squirrel Autumn Term Photo Gallery

Autumn 1


Our topic this half term is adventure stories. We have enjoyed immersing ourselves in our story ‘Around the world with Max and Lemon’. We have tested our fine motor skills by trying ice fishing and weaving!

Autumn 1


In our PSHE lessons we have been looking at what makes people similar and different. We have enjoyed getting creative when thinking about what makes us unique by creating a tree using our unique finger prints!

Autumn 1


In our Science lessons we have been exploring light. We have conducted different experiments to see what light can travel through and how we can create shadows. We love conducting experiments!

Autumn 2
Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night – At the beginning of this half term we enjoyed learning about the history of bonfire night and the reasons why it is celebrated. We enjoyed being creative and creating a firework scene using paint and a fork!


Autumn 2


We enjoyed learning about equality and how everyone is unique. We did a group activity where we painted people using a variety of colours!


Autumn 2


We have been learning about personal hygiene in our PSHE lessons. We have looked at the different ways we can keep ourselves clean and we enjoyed doing an experiment to demonstrate how easily germs can spread! This included using glitter, which we loved!!


Autumn 2


Our topic this half term has been materials. We have enjoyed exploring how materials feel, sorting materials and conducting experiments to see how materials react in water.


Autumn 2
We have started to go to Tesco every 2 weeks to get our snack for the week and to visit the café. We enjoy using the tills and interactive menu!