Sunflower Class Autumn Term Photo Gallery

Autumn 1


In Maths this term, we have been looking at measuring and different ways we can measure. We have looked at long and short and compared the lengths of different objects. We used worms, link chains, feet, link cubes and rulers to measure the different lengths. Well done Sunflower Class.

Autumn 1


In Science this term, we have been looking at electricity. We have been looking at the different components that are in a circuit and had a go at building our own circuit, it was lots of fun! We got to light up a bulb and make a piano work. Great work Sunflower Class.

 Autumn 1


This term in RE, we have been looking at Kindness in different religions. We looked at the story of The Good Samaritan in Christianity. We acted out the story and learnt about kindness. Great work Sunflower Class.

Autumn 1


In PE this term, we have been looking at Gymnastics. We have been looking at different ways we can balance. We had lots of fun.

Autumn 2


In maths this half term, Sunflower Class have been looking at number lines. We have been using our number lines to work out missing numbers. We even counted backwards! We had lots of fun using the number lines to work out our missing numbers.



Autumn 2




Autumn 2


For our Science theme day this half term, Sunflower Class looked at space. We looked at the different planets in our sensory tray. We explored the moon and completed an experiment showing how the asteroids make marks on the moon.




Autumn 2

Forest School

Sunflower Class had Forest School this half term. We tried a range of different forest school activities that we all really enjoyed! We got to buil