In spring term, Sunflower class have been looking at sorting and organising games. In one of our activities, we had to sort the different objects on the screen into the correct order. We had so much fun organising the different objects into the correct order. Amazing work Sunflowers!
In spring term, we have been looking at seasons in Geography. We have been learning about the different seasons and what we would expect in each seasons. In one of our activities, we had to look at different items of clothing that we would wear during each season. Brilliant work Sunflowers!
This term in Maths, we have been looking at fractions as part of our number topic. We looked at recognising a half, a quarter and three quarters. Amazing work!
In phonics this term, we have been looking at our different sounds. We have played a range of Phonics games identifying real and nonsense words in our phonics phase. Amazing work!
This half term Sunflower class, have been looking at rocks in Science. We have used magnifying glasses to look closely at different rocks to compare their similarities and differences. We have also, looked at different types of rocks and classified them into different groups. Super work Sunflowers!