Welcome to Class P 2

Welcome to Class P2 

 We are a Key Stage 3 class of 11 pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9.

The staff are Ms White (teacher). Our teaching assistants are: Mrs Dickson (Monday – Wednesday), Ms Forrest (Thursday and Friday)

In P2, we also move around the school and as a result, some of the lessons are taught by different teachers.

PE is on a Monday afternoon so that is the day that you will need to have your kit.

Pupils are welcome to bring a healthy snack to have at break time and we also recommend that they bring their own water bottle with fresh water every day. Pupils can bring in their own mug from home for our weekly cup of tea time linked to P.S.H.E. targets.

Each pupil in P2 is given a home-school book. This is a way of communicating any important messages and information. If there are no messages in the book this means that there is nothing additional to mention for that day. Please check this book each day.

English and Maths homework is sent out in a weekly basis and a list of spellings that there will be a test for each week on a Friday.

We are looking forward to having a fun and exciting year!


Ms White and the P2 team.

Spring Term

We loved doing Archery and all pupils made fantastic progress.

Spring Term

In Art, we have used everyday objects to produce pictures. Some of these are very imaginative. Great work!

Spring Term
For World Book Day, we decided to focus on stories that make us laugh. We watched a clip where Jeff Kinney described where his inspiration for the stories came from. We created our own funny diary stories in a similar style and added pictures.
Spring Term

We played a Spanish phrase game of snap and were able to choose the Spanish phrases that matched the English Phrases. These phrases were about feelings in Spanish and other conversational phrases.

Summer Term
This half term we have investigated Forces. We have carried out lots of practical tasks and have found out about air resistance, water resistance and friction.
Summer Term
We have been finding out about the key features of non-chronological reports. We have read lots of these and answered questions. We have also planned and created our own reports using the key features.
Summer Term
We have been finding out about ways we can spend money. We have also been thinking about the difference between the things that we want and the things we need. We had a budget to create a packed lunch and could add a treat if we had any money left over.