Rose Photo Gallery Autumn 2022-23
Autumn 1
Physical Education
We have been trying really hard to improve our co ordinations skills. We have been using balance beams, jumping onto a small area and practising our catching and throwing techniques. It has been fun.
The Warrington Wolves team really do give us an amazing PE lesson.
We have experienced different instruments that sound like the sea and different types of weather.
We enjoyed using the rain sticks, thunder makers and the Ocean drums.
We liked making lots of noise.
Ordering Numbers
We have been working hard on ordering numbers to 20. We have used number tiles to show are understanding. We played hopscotch to show we understood what we had achieved. We then progressed onto adding 1 more and two sets of objects.
National Poetry Day
We have had so much fun exploring and sharing the Gruffalo story as part of the National Poetry Day.
We have listened to the story and watched clips on You Tube.
We used puppets to develop our understanding of the story. We had lots of fun.
Christingle – Religious Education & Music
We love listening to the song ‘This little light of Mine” we used bells and tambourines to accompany the song.
We followed instructions to make our Christingle and joined in with the lower school assembly to share our Christingles as part of the service.
Computing – Digital art
We have been creating images use multimedia programmes such as HELPKIDZLEARN and Purple Mash. We have enjoyed the images we have create on screen and the sound effects that accompany the programmes we have used.
Science - Rocks
We enjoyed investigating soil. We used magnifying glasses to look closely at what we could see. It was fun looking and feeling the soil we collected. Mr Sykes wasn’t happy at the mess on the carpet.
Maths – Money
We have been looking at coins and notes. We loved putting money into the cash box and sorting them into the right section. Mr Sykes has lots of money.
History & RE
We made hand prints in red paint to form a big poopy for remembrance day. We watched clips on You Tube that made us feel sad. We collected our handprints and collectively made a poopy wreath to put on our class door.
Science - Rocks
We have been exploring rocks and their properties. We tested different rocks to see if they would float or sink. It was funny because Mr Sykes got wet.
Autumn 2
Christingle – Religious Education & Music
We love listening to the song ‘This little light of Mine” we used bells and tambourines to accompany the song.
We followed instructions to make our Christingle and joined in with the lower school assembly to share our Christingles as part of the service.
Autumn 2
In Rose Class, we have done lots of Christmas activities. We have decorated our own tree, taken part in an Elf run and made ‘Melting Snowman’ biscuits. We have been sharing with our friends, learning to take turns and have had lots of fun! Merry Christmas everyone!
Autumn 2
History & RE
We made hand prints in red paint to form a big poopy for remembrance day. We watched clips on You Tube that made us feel sad. We collected our handprints and collectively made a poopy wreath to put on our class door.
Autumn 2
Maths – Money
We have been looking at coins and notes. We loved putting money into the cash box and sorting them into the right section. Mr Sykes has lots of money.
Autumn 2
Science - Rocks
We enjoyed investigating soil. We used magnifying glasses to look closely at what we could see. It was fun looking and feeling the soil we collected. Mr Sykes wasn’t happy at the mess on the carpet.
Autumn 2
Science - Rocks
We have been exploring rocks and their properties. We tested different rocks to see if they would float or sink. It was funny because Mr Sykes got wet.
Autumn 2
Computing – Digital Art
We have been creating images use multimedia programmes such as HELPKIDZLEARN and Purple Mash. We have enjoyed the images we have create on screen and the sound effects that accompany the programmes we have used.