Welcome to Deer Class

Welcome to Deer Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Stewart 

Teaching assistants: Mrs Green, Miss Baddeley and Miss Brocklehurst. 


We are a Key Stage 3 class with 9 pupils in years 7, 8 and 9. 

Our PE lesson will be provided by Warrington Wolves on a Monday morning. We will also follow a modified National Curriculum covering all core subjects and topic lessons. 

Homework will be sent out on a Friday to be returned the following Friday. Reading books will also be sent home and changed on a Friday. 

Each pupil will have a home-school book so that staff and families are able to communicate and share information. Please also access Evidence For Learning as this is where we will share examples of the fun activities pupils have been doing in class.  

We will enjoy class cafe once a week and will hopefully be able to visit the shops to buy our snack once we are settled. We ask for a £1.50 a week donation towards these costs. 

We look forward to a fantastic year ahead! 

Mrs Stewart and the class team. 

  • Mrs Stewart

    Class Teacher

  • Mrs Green

    Teaching Assistant

  • Miss Baddeley

    1:1 Support Assistant

  • Miss Brocklehurst

    1:1 Support Assistant