Welcome to Hedgehog Class

Welcome to Hedgehog Class

Welcome to Hedgehog Class

We are a Key Stage 3 class of 9 students in Years 7, 8 and 9. The staff are Miss Rodgers (teacher), Miss Beechall (teaching assistant), Miss Lythgoe (1:1 teaching assistant) and Miss Pryal (1:1 teaching assistant) and Miss Chapman (1:1 teaching assistant)

In Hedgehog class we us a themed based curriculum that incorporates the development of independence skills. We take part in regular Phonics sessions and have a fine motor skills, handwriting and reading focus several afternoons a week.

We will be going shopping every two weeks to buy our class snack and to use our independence and money skills in a practical setting. This will likely be on a Monday morning and will start as soon as we can, when the class are more settled. We ask for a voluntary donation of £1.50 each week to cover the cost of snack, which we have each afternoon (usually fruit and a biscuit) We enjoy choosing and buying the snack together as a class on our shopping trips. When we are not shopping, we will hold a class ‘cafe’ where the students will take on different roles to increase their independence skills. We also like to use this time to develop communication skills.

Our PE lesson will be on a Wednesday afternoon with Miss Rodgers. Please can students come into school wearing appropriate PE kit on a Wednesday. We will have a music lesson each week with our school music teacher. Mrs Stunnell will also teach us for two lessons a week.

Please look at the Evidence for Learning app regularly for photos and updates about what we are getting up to in school. We also love it when photos from home are shared with us!

Each student in Hedgehog class is given a home-school book. This is a way of communicating any important messages and information between home and school. Each Friday we will send homework to be returned on a Monday. This homework will usually consist of ‘weekend news’, which we use to support the development of recall skills, comprehension skills and communication skills in our students. We may also send home little activities to complete at home that may require evidence to be sent in or to be put onto Evidence for Learning.

We are looking forward to having an exciting year! 

Miss Rodgers and the Hedgehog team!

  • Miss Beechall

    Teaching Assistant

  • Mrs Lythgoe

    1:1 Support Assistant

  • Mrs Pryal

    1:1 Support Assistant

  • Miss Chapman

    1:1 Support Assistant