Autism at Green Lane

Autism Leadership team
  • Mrs J Capewell

    Head of Autism

    SCERTS Lead

    LA Specialist Lead Teacher - Autism

    Teen Life NAS licensed trainer and Early Bird Plus NAS licensed trainer.

    Contact - 01925 811617

  • Mr M Gaskell

    Head of Behaviour / Assistant Head of Autism

    LA Specialist Lead Teacher - Autism / SEMH

    Teen Life NAS licensed trainer and Early Bird Plus NAS licensed trainer.
    Contact - 01925 811617

Green Lane prides themselves with their specialist support for autistic pupils. We have a large % of our pupils with an autism diagnosis, every environment is set up as autism friendly following support and guidance from the National Autistic Society. Pupils in our Elm pathway require a curriculum focus on SCERTS (social communication and emotional regulation). We use a variety of strategies and teaching methods to support our pupils which includes: SPELL framework, PECS, AAC, TEACCH and Attention Autism. We have three lead teachers for autism who offer support and outreach to other schools within Warrington.