SCERTS parents' group

SCERTS parents' group
Our SCERTS parents' group is a great way to bring parents together and to give opportunities to work on individual targets. We choose a topic of focus e.g. eating habits, getting dressed and sensory supports. We then  complete activities together whilst modelling strategies that we use in school to support parents to implement at home. This helps to maintain consistency and offer advice, support and training.
SCERTS parents' groups 2023 - 24
Autumn 1 2023 -  SCERTS overview delivered within parents meet and greet (27.9.23)
Autumn 2 2023-  Parent and child breakfast (21.11.23 &22.11.23)
Spring 1 2024 -  Parents' training session (TBC) (6.2.24)
Spring 2 2024 -  Shopping in the community (26.3.24, 27.3.24)
Summer 2024 -  Accessing a local restaurant (KS2,3&4) 1.7.24
                           Accessing a local park (F/KS1) 27.6.24
Parents' group photos!
Autumn 2 SCERTS parents' group - breakfast fun!