Visual resources

Visual resources / supports
Visual resources are a key way of communicating with our autistic learners. We ensure that our school environment is consistent in the use of visual supports and that staff are confident in using visual resources with our pupils.

Please scan the QR code to inform our Autism leadership team of resources that you would find useful.


Useful online training links

New e-learning module: A guide to the mental health experiences of autistic teenagers

  •        Free to access for 2024
  •        Aimed at professionals and parents of young autistic people (aged 13 to 18)
  •        The aim of the module is to increase understanding of autistic experience, autistic mental health experiences and to explore supportive proactive strategies to support young autistic people’s mental health.


New free resources: Know yourself series

  •        Always free to access
  •        Aimed at autistic teenagers
  •        The Know yourself series is a set of free resources which includes videos and downloadable guides aiming to support autistic teenagers to understand what being autistic means to them.
  •        In the resources you'll hear from young autistic people talking about their experiences and what has helped them. The aim is to offer information and ideas that will empower young autistic people to begin to explore their own experiences and understand themselves.
  •         The series will cover six topics in total over the course of three years. The first two topics, focusing on ‘understanding yourself’ and ‘energy accounting’, will be available on the NAS website.
Parent training links

Green Lane offer a range of training for parents this can include; sensory integration, restricted diets, puberty and emotional regulation support.

Our autism leadership team will send out a form each year to gather information on what area of training will best support our families.

Please check our website, facebook page and any letters home which states when our next parent training is.