Caterpillar Autumn Term Photo Gallery

Autumn 1


The children in Caterpillar class have been doing lots of Phase 1 phonics activities. We have been learning our first set of sounds, identifying initial sounds and building CVC words. We have enjoyed practicing our letter formation and doing a variety of fine motor activities in our TEACCH Baskets.

Autumn 1

This half term our topic has been ‘Traditional Tales.’ We have enjoyed sharing stories and doing a variety of sensory activities linked to these.

Autumn 1

Sensory Play

We have had lots of fun sensory play in Caterpillar class this half term! The children have enjoyed engaging their senses with a range of activities linked to our topic and areas of learning. 

Autumn 1

Caterpillar class have really enjoyed PE this half term. All the children have engaged well with the activities on offer. We have practiced moving our bodies in different ways, using the equipment safely and developed our gross motor skills.

Autumn 2

Our topic this half term has been ‘colour’. We have enjoyed exploring different colours in a range of sensory ways. We have had great fun mixing, spreading and swirling and noticing the effects our actions have as the colours change. We have explored a variety of objects, scents and textures that link to the different colours. All of the children have been working hard to sort and match by colour. We even made our very own rainbow for Science day, by experimenting with food colouring and paper towels.