Daffodil Photo Gallery Summer 2022-23

Summer 1


We have been very busy in our maths lessons this half term. We spent some time weighing items using balance scales. We talked about heaviest and lightest, weighed items using non-standard measures and then moved on to weighing items in grams and kilograms.

Summer 1


We have been reading books by the author Dick King-Smith this half term. We started by finding out about the author and then read his book The Hodgeheg. We had lots of fun creating a clay model of the main character Max the hedgehog.




Summer 1

In our RE lessons we have been learning about Judaism. Our favourite lesson was when we looked at some artefacts from the Jewish faith. We found out about the Hannukiah and yarmulkes, the cap that males wear.

Summer 2


In computing we have been looking at programming. We have had lots of fun discovering how to programme the Beebots to get them to move in different directions.

Summer 2


In science we have been looking at light. Our favourite lesson was when we were making shadows in the large tent. We made our own shadow puppets and used a torch to create the shadow.

Summer 2


Daffodil class have worked very hard with their art this half term. They have been looking at drawing and painting buildings as well as looking at different perspectives. Everyone has produced some amazing art.

Summer 2

Design Technology

We have completed a design technology project on wheels and axles. We began by experimenting on their with construction equipment to see how wheels moved. We then designed our own toy car before making it using junk modelling. All of our toy cars had wheels that moved axles.