Ladybird Photo Gallery Spring 2022-23

Spring 1

During Spring term 1 Ladybird Class have really enjoyed exploring space. In maths we sand the song 5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer and enjoyed taking one away using our alien cards. In Food Technology we created planet biscuits using icing sugar and sprinkles. 

Ladybird class created their own rockets using boxes and enjoyed trips to the moon during sensory and story sessions. We also matched and ordered the solar system. 

Spring 2

In Maths we enjoyed exploring shapes using the shape monsters and matching Numicon to its numbers. We explored finding numbers in sensory trays.



Spring 2

In Topic we enjoyed looking at “The Farm”. We create Pig paper plates and biscuits. We also practiced match animal to their sounds. We are looking forward to our trip to the farm next half term.


Spring 2
For Voice your choice Ladybird class enjoyed a sensory afternoon where we explored lots of materials and Easter trays. Our friends from Caterpillar class came to join in.