Welcome to Dormouse Class



Welcome to Dormouse Class

Class team: Mr M Gaskell (Class Teacher), Mrs S Bhalla (TA), Mr Lipovan (TA)

Dormouse Class is a key stage 3/4 ASD discrete classroom, which work on a topic based curriculum including the SCERTS programme.  This programme works on developing social communication and emotional regulation alongside the transactional supports that are provided by staff.  SCERTS links in with all life skills, which is a huge part of Dormouse Class and this is built into all aspects of the school day.  Key stage 4 pupils will also work towards ASDAN accreditation.  All lessons in Dormouse Class involve practical and sensory aspects, including ranges of technologies to facilitate engagement and concentration.  Our activities and lessons take place both inside and outside and all pupils will develop independent work skills in their own workstations.


As part of SCERTS and life skills, pupils create shopping lists which they use at the local supermarket.  This will cater for the class snack and food technology resources.  Pupils will also visit the local café to develop their social skills and development.  Please contribute up to £1.50 per week to support this. If pupils prefer to bring their own snack to school, please contact the class team to discuss this.


PE will take part once a week.  Please send a PE kit in and this will be sent home throughout the term to be washed.


All pupils in Dormouse Class will have a home school diary which will have information, daily, about what has taken place during in the day, which will enable conversations and communication at home about school.  Please also use this book to let the team know what they have been up to at home during the evenings or weekends and of course if there are any messages or question, please don’t hesitate to write these in.


We are looking forward to a fun and successful year in Dormouse Class!

Mr  Gaskell

Mr Gaskell

Class Teacher

Mrs  Bhalla

Mrs Bhalla

Teaching Assistant

Mr  Lipovan

Mr Lipovan

Teaching Assistant

Autumn 1 

Art: Dormouse have been working hard creating a range of outdoor themed collages. 

Maths: Dormouse have focussed on number skills this half term and then transferred this into our lessons on using money. 

Science: In science this half term, Dormouse have been learning about light and dark, as well as the sun and the moon! 

Topic overview