Welcome to Otter Class

Welcome to Otter Class 


We are a Key Stage 3 class of 10 pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9. 

The staff are Mrs Barker (teacher), Mrs Burton (HLTA), Miss Dykes (1:1 teaching assistant), Miss Hulme (1:1 support)  Mr Wolferstan (1:1 support)


Mrs Stunnell will teach the class Geography, History and RE. Miss Borque (teaching assistant) will provide support for a couple of sessions during the week. 


PE is on a Thursday afternoon, please can pupils come into school in their kit.


Pupils are welcome to bring a healthy snack to have at break time and we recommend that a water bottle with fresh water be provided every day.


Each pupil in Otter Class is given a home-school book. This is a way of communicating any important messages and information, however time will always be found should you want to discuss something by telephone, just add a note into the home-school book.


English and Maths homework is sent out each Monday. This includes spellings that will be tested on a Friday. Please ensure that pupils also read regularly at home, this can be recorded in their yellow reading record.


On a Friday afternoon, the class will take part in a café/life skills session.


Check out the Otter Class page on our school website for details of the topics we will be working on this year. You can also see pictures and videos of some of the work we have done. We also endeavour to update you regularly via EFL.


We are looking forward to having a fun and exciting year! 


Mrs Barker and the class team 

Mrs  Barker

Mrs Barker

Class Teacher

Mrs  Burton

Mrs Burton


Miss  Hulme

Miss Hulme

1:1 Support Assistant

Miss  Dykes

Miss Dykes

1:1 Support Assistant

Mr Wolferstan

1:1 Support Assistant

Autumn term pictures