Welcome to Bumblebee Class

We are a class of Yr1, Yr2 and Yr3 pupils.

Our curriculum is based on a modified National Curriculum with lots of opportunities to develop our independence and work on individual areas of learning.

Some of the children within the class will continue to follow the Early Years Development Matters curriculum, with a focus on learning through play.  Alongside this, we will be using the Engagement Model.

We have lots of opportunity for hands on learning, encouraging children to engage in a wide variety of sensory experiences. We enjoy learning both indoors and outdoors each day. 

News about your child’s day and the lessons and activities they have taken part in will be communicated in their Home / School Book. Photographs of your child playing and working will be available to parents via Evidence for Learning.

Miss  Shaw

Miss Shaw

Class Teacher

Mrs  Phillips

Mrs Phillips

Teaching Assistant

Miss  Muir

Miss Muir

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Wilson

Medical 1:1 Assistant

Miss Glindon

1:1 Support Assistant

Autumn 1

Autumn Topic Overview