Miss Nicola Simpson
Family Support and Safeguarding Manager
- nicola.simpson@greenlaneschool.co.uk

Miss Lian White
Family Support
- lian.white@greenlaneschool.co.uk

Ms Carly Dumican
Family Support
- carly.dumican@greenlaneschool.co.uk
What is Early Help?
Early help, also known as early intervention, is support given to a family when a problem first emerges. It can be provided at any stage in a child or young person's life. Early help services can be delivered to parents, children or whole families, but their main focus is to improve outcomes for children. For example, services may help parents who are living in challenging circumstances provide a safe and loving environment for their child. Or, if a child is displaying risk-taking behaviour, early help practitioners might work with the child and their parents to find out the reasons for the child's behaviour and put strategies in place to help keep them safe.
What is an Early Help Assessment?
An Early Help Assessment is an assessment that helps a family understand what is going well for them and what their needs and worries are. It helps professionals identify areas that families would like to improve. An Early Help Assessment includes everyone who is in a family including unborn babies. It’s important that everyone in a family has their voice heard and are supported. An Early Help Assessment can include any family or household member, even if they do not have Parental Responsibility or play a caring role for a child in the home. Significant others can also be included if required.
Direct Payments/ Short Breaks
If you feel that you require additional support for your child, please contact Green Lane School office on office@greenlaneschool.co.uk and request contact from Family Support.
Below is an example of a blank Early Help Assessment along with Early Help Brochure (2024-2025)
Activities in the community for SEND children
Warrington Play and Sensory Centre | warrington.gov.uk
Buddy Up - Warrington Youth Zone
Please see below for the activities timetable
Useful Contacts for Support for Families in WBC
Addvanced Solutions - 01925 320863 - https://www.addvancedsolutions.co.uk/home.html
Alder Hey Hospital Transport - Support with Transport Costs - 0151 293 369 - https://alderhey.nhs.uk
Autism Support / WAND - Support Group For Parents -07708 599 276 - wandsgroup2018@gmail.com
National Autistic Society (Warrington Branch) - Warrington (autism.org.uk)
Bear Care Respite - 01942 926263 (Chloe) - REFERRALS@BEARCARESERVICES.CO.UK
WARPAC (Warrington Parents and Carers) - 07376 722719 - warrpac@gmail.com - www.facebook.com/Warrpac
Warrington Disability Partnership (WDP) - 01925 240064 - https://www.disabilitypartnership.org.uk
Families United (FUN) - familiesutd@yahoo.com - Families United Warrington | Supporting Warrington Children
Macintyre - Support in Cheshire | MacIntyre (macintyrecharity.org)
SEND In The Wolves - https://warringtonwolvesfoundation.com/send-in-the-wolves/
Warrington Youth Zone-Buddy Up - 01925 977277 - info@wyz.org.uk - Buddy Up - Warrington Youth Zone