Robin class are a KS4 class with students from Year 10 and Year 11. We are working towards accreditation through ASDAN. We work very hard to prepare portfolios of work for all 7 of our externally accredited courses. We share many of our activities on EfL, but parents are invited to view the portfolio work at Parents Evening.
The best way to keep in touch is via our pupil diaries which will be checked daily by our class team. This is a way of communicating any important messages and information. If there are no messages in the book this means that there is nothing additional to mention for that day. Please check this book each day. For anything else, please ring school on 01925 811617 or email
Pupils are also welcome to bring a healthy snack to have at break time and we also recommend that they bring their own water bottle with fresh water every day.
We offer toast and juice in the mornings, and ask for a weekly contribution of £1 towards this as it is funded by the class staff team.
Our PE Lesson is on a Thursday. Please ensure that pupils arrive in school with the correct kit, taking into consideration the weather on the day.
We are looking forward to a fun and exciting year!