Welcome to Rose Class

Rose class is the key stage 2 Engagement Class. In our class we follow a topic based curriculum, the engagement model and the SCERTS programme. Our focus is to ensure all pupils engage in 1:1 and group activities for longer periods of time to enhance our learning. We enjoy learning both inside and outside through continuous provision and sensory based activities. Pupils in Rose class have their own snack arrangements which involves visiting the local supermarket to purchase snacks and food technology ingredients etc. Please send £1 per week to cover this and discuss any dietary requirements with myself. PE will take place on a Tuesday afternoon. Send in your child’s PE kit and it will be sent home at the end of every half term to be washed. Each child will have a home school diary where parents can communicate with the class team regarding things that happen at home, this helps us to ensure we can support any changes when they are in school. I will let you know how what we have done during our day so it can be shared when your child gets home.

I will try my best to ensure we stay clean, this can’t always be guaranteed as with our sensory activities we often get messy and it adds to the fun of learning.

Ensure you check our class website page and evidence for learning (EFL) to see what fun we get up to! I love to see photo’s and videos’s on EFL of things you share at home.

If you don’t have access to EFL please contact school and we will set this up.

I can’t wait for an action packed, fun filled, year of learning, reaching new heights together in our learning journey.

Mr  Sykes

Mr Sykes

Class Tutor

Rose Class Tutor

Miss McElroy

Teaching Assistant

Mr Nugent-Brant

Teaching Assistant