Welcome to Sunflower Class

Hello and a warm welcome to Sunflower Class!

Class team

Class Teacher: Miss Bhalla

Teaching assistants: Mrs Lothrop and Mrs Burgess.

Sunflower Class are a Key Stage 2 class of Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 pupils.

Sunflower class follow the Oak pathway. On a Monday morning, PE will take place with Warrington Wolves. On a Friday, homework will be given out and is to be returned any time before Tuesday. If your child has read, reading books will also be changed weekly. We recommend that your child brings in a water bottle each day to put in our drink’s basket.

We enjoy toast as we arrive to school. This is at a cost of £1.50 per week which can be paid at the office. Fruit is provided as a snack or alternatively, we ask parents to provide a voluntary 50p contribution towards a class snack. If you have any questions, then a member of the Sunflower Class team will be happy to help you! Please keep your eye on EFL as we will update this with children’s progress as well as the exciting activities we have done in class.

Each pupil will have a home-school book so that staff and families are able to communicate and share information. Parents and guardians are welcome to contact Sunflower Class team via telephone however, the home-school book is the easiest way to communicate messages.

We look forward to welcoming you all in September!




Sensory Centre

Miss  Bhalla

Miss Bhalla

Class Teacher

Mrs  Lothrop

Mrs Lothrop

Teaching Assistant

Mrs  Burgess

Mrs Burgess

Teaching Assistant