Poppy Photo Gallery Summer 2022-23

Summer 1


In maths we have been looking at shape patterns. We looked at the order the shapes went in and repeated the pattern.


In maths we have also been looking at months of the year. We sequenced the months in the correct order.

Summer 1


In English we have been using reading eggs. We read the instructions and followed each step to the game.

In English we have  also been looking at adjectives we can use to describe chocolate. We used these adjectives to write sentences to persuade others to try our chocolate.

Summer 1


In DT we are looking at moving vehicles. We used an application on the computer to design our own vehicles.

Summer 1
In Science we have been looking at forces. We looked at the friction and predicted how fast or slow the cars moved on different materials. We had so much fun!
Summer 1

This half term we celebrated the King’s coronation. We made crowns and flags for our picnic party.

Summer 2

This half term in English we have been looking at stories from different cultures. We looked at The Story Blanket and we created our own story blanket. We used adjectives to describe our story blanket and wrote sentences about how they make us feel. Well done Poppy class!



Summer 2 

In maths this half term we have been looking at division. We used grouping with objects and shared the objects between the correct amount of groups. We had to count out the correct amount of objects then share them out equally between the groups. Good work Poppy class!


Summer 2

In PSHE we have been looking at our strengths. We made a figure of ourselves and wrote on it our different strengths. We talked about each of our strengths to our friends. Great work Poppy class!

Summer 2

In geography this half term we have been looking at compasses. We have been listening to different compass directions given and following them around the classroom. We even got to tell our friends which direction to move in using compass directions. Amazing work Poppy class!

Summer 2

In PE this half term we have been looking at our tennis skills. We have looked at different techniques of how to hit a ball accurately. We looked at how to hit a ball over a net and played our first team game. We had so much fun!