Hedgehog Photo Gallery Spring 2022-23

Spring 1


We have been looking at different landscapes this half term. We began by looking at the artist John Constable who painted landscapes. We then used the Ipad to take photographs of our local landscape of the school field and spent some time outside sketching what we could see. After experimenting with different painting utensils, we painted our own landscape using all of the research that we had carried out.





Spring 1

Therapy Pony

This half term we have spent some time with Snowy the pony. We have taken turns to brush the pony and talk to his owner about how he needs to be looked after. This has linked in with our topic work and science work where we have been learning about farming and how to care for animals.

Spring 1


Hedgehog class have worked very hard in maths this half term. We have spent some time learning different number facts when we looked at double numbers and number bonds. We had lots of fun making our “Double Bugs” to help us remember the doubling facts. We have also been looking at sorting objects into different categories by doing lots of practical activities.


Spring 1


Our English topic this half term has been fables, we have looked at The Tortoise and the Hare as well as The Lion and the Mouse. We had lots of fun acting out The Lion and the Mouse fable with our lollipop stick puppets. We have also been busy practising our phonic skills. Some of us have been practising reading the tricky words, some of us have been practising reading and writing our cvc words and some of us have been learning our initial sounds.

Spring 2


In maths this half term we have done lots of practical tasks when learning about capacity, length, positions, directions and weight.



Spring 2


In science this half term our topic has been hot and cold. We have done experiments on how to turn water into ice by putting it into a freezer and how things melt when they are warm. We also talked about the different clothes we would need to wear in the different seasons

Spring 2

Food Technology

In food technology this half term, we have been looking at food for different seasons. We planned and made a sandwich and also made a fruit salad. We had to practise our cutting skills on all of the different fruits.