Welcome to Sunflower

Welcome to the Sunflower Class

Class Team

Class Teacher – Miss Lewis

Teaching Assistants – Mrs Golden, Miss Sudworth and Miss Podmore


Class have PE on a Monday morning with staff from the Warrington Wolves Foundation. We will also have Big Sing on a Wednesday morning!

Please keep an eye on EFL as we will update this with childrens progress and exciting activities we have done in class. Class will use school/home books which will be returned home with pupils each night. This book will give you an indication of what your child has done during their time in school so that you can talk to them about it at home. Class will receive homework weekly focusing on what we have covered in class.

We enjoy toast as we arrive into school. This is a cost of £1.50 per week which can be paid at the office. A voluntary 50p contribution for the half term towards class snacks would be appreciated.

Could I please ask that parents ensure that their child has a small selection of spare clothes to change into – we do a lot of Art activities and sensory play! Could I also ask that pupils always bring a coat to school for playtime and for lunch break.

We cannot wait to see you!