Sunflower Photo Gallery Autumn 2022-23

Autumn 1


In art we have been looking at self-portraits. We explored our reflections in the mirror and focused on the positioning of our facial features so that we could create portraits of our own. We used different artistic processes and materials to complete our own work, from cutting and sticking, to drawing and finally progressing to paint to complete our final self-portrait.

Autumn 1


In October, during our attention sessions, we looked at the theme of Halloween. We all showed excellent focus and communication during our sessions and even got a little messy along the way. We made a fantastic spider web using a variety of different coloured glitter and lots of pva glue. The spiders seemed very happy with their new home.

Autumn 1


In Maths, we have been exploring number using more and less.  We worked together as a group to identify what the terms more and less meant. We then compared two quantities up to 20 using a range of objects and pictures.

Autumn 1


During PSHE we have been learning all about our families and how everybody’s family are different. We each brought in a family photo and took turns sharing who is in our family. Then we used our photos to talk about and draw people in our family who we regarded as being special. Some of us also shared why we think people we know are special.

Autumn 2



Our topic was based on food packaging.  We explored different types of food packaging and chose some of our favourite features such as shape, colour and logos to add to our designs.  From this, we researched net shapes using our knowledge of 3D shapes to decide on our final design. We were all very excited to make our own cereal boxes and we were so proud of our finished products!



Autumn 2
In Computing we have been looking at how to stay safe online.  We have had group discussions about what to do and not do when using technology. Learners demonstrated understanding of how to use the internet safely and created their own posters to be displayed around school.
Autumn 2

Sunflower class have been doing lots of activities to celebrate Christmas.  We enjoyed decorating our class Christmas tree. We all took turns to choose a decoration before placing it on the tree. Everybody was so excited to decorate our classroom!

Instead of a Christmas performance this year we had a Christmas “crafternoon”. We enjoyed decorating our own Christmas shaped salt dough ornaments as well as trying our hand at making a rustic Christmas trees. A great time was had by all.

Across lower school we had our own Christingle celebration, we shared a story and all got to see how hard we all worked making own Christingles.