Hawk Photo Gallery Summer 2022-23

Summer 1

Maths-Place value

During our topic on ‘number’, the Hawk class played a place value game using a die and their whiteboards. Each player had to roll a die and decide where to put the number on their place value grid on their whiteboards

Summer 1

Asdan -Poem

As a part of our ‘Expressive Arts’ topic in Asdan, the Hawk class had to read a performance poem to an audience. Everyone read the poem ‘Excuses by Allan Allberg,’ confidently and clearly and used their props brilliantly. Well done everyone!

. The player with the highest score won the game.

Summer 1


Hawk class began their topic on ‘Mechanisms’ by researching words associated with it. They have also produced several art pieces in different mediums.


Summer 1

Foodwise- Eating disorders

As a part of our Foodwise topic ‘Food Industry’, the Hawk class have been researching in great detail about a type of food disorder. They will present this information in a powerpoint to the rest of the class.