Welcome to Butterfly

Welcome to Butterfly Class

Class teacher - Mrs Panesar 

Teaching assistants: Mr Murty, Miss McElroy


Butterfly class is a Key Stage 1 ASD discrete classroom that works on a topic based curriculum that includes learning through play with a continuous provision element. We also work daily on targets from the SCERTS programme, which has a focus on social communication and emotional regulation at the forefront.

Butterfly class use home/school books which are returned home with pupils each night. These books will give you an indication of what your child has done during their time in school so that you can talk to them about it at home.

We do PE with the Wolves Foundation once a week and have a discrete music session too.

Could I please ask that parents always ensure that their child has a small selection of spare clothes to change into – we do lots of sensory work and art activities, and even though we always wear aprons accidents do sometimes happen!

Could I also ask that pupils always bring a coat to school for playtime and for lunch breaks.