Rose Photo Gallery Summer 2022-23

Summer 1
Attention Autism

We have enjoyed ‘Spin the King/Queen’ in one of our Attention Autism lessons this half term. We waved flags, wore a crown and sang a song as we took turns being spun around. It was so much fun!

Summer 1

In our English lessons this half term we have been exploring different fairy tales. We have enjoyed reenacting ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. We used props and all took turns sitting on different sized chairs and ‘eating’ porridge from different sized bowls.

Summer 1
Food Technology

We love making and eating food in Rose Class! During one of our food technology lessons, we followed symbolized instructions to make a ‘regal rocky road’. We had fun hitting the biscuits to break them up and enjoyed licking the chocolate-covered spoons after we had finished!

Summer 1
King's Coronation Picnic

God Save The King! To celebrate the King’s Coronation we had a picnic on the playground with the whole school. We wore the crowns that we had made, waved flags and listened to the National Anthem. Some of us joined in with a parade showing off our crowns! We all had a lovely time.

Summer 2

In Science this half term, we have been investigating materials to see whether they would float or sink. We all enjoyed experimenting with the objects in the water and holding them under to see if they sank or popped back out!

Summer 2

During our DT lessons this half term, we have been making crowns from different materials. We have used paint, jewels and different natural materials. We have enjoyed wearing our crowns and being kings and queens for the day!

Summer 2

PE is one of our favourite lessons, we all love investigating the different equipment and running around. This half term we have been learning to play volleyball and tennis. Our throwing and catching skills are improving and we have enjoyed playing with our peers!

Summer 2

We have loved going swimming this half term. Some of us were a bit nervous at first but we have all stuck with it and now really enjoy being in the water!