Woodpecker Photo Gallery Spring 2022-23

Spring 1


In Maths Woodpecker’s have been learning about the inverse relationships between addition/subtraction and multiplication/division. We have gained confidence rapidly recalling multiplication facts and using long multiplication by 1/2 digits and long division methods to find the answer. We have started to answer more complex word problems and understand how to extract key information from the question.



Spring 1
In English our topic is ‘Style’. We have learnt about how fashion and style have changed throughout time and researched and presented information on a given era. The presentations included key information and images, giving an informative description of fashion at that point in time.

Spring 2

Another very busy half term for us. 

It has been our turn in the bungalow this term so we have been  

  • creating a menu for staff lunches 

  • taking orders  

  • doing all the meal prep  

  • delivering peoples orders for lunch 

The money we made on the lunches, (oh we charged the staff!)We then donated to Friends of Green Lane. 

Spring 2
In our Asdan PDP Gold we have been learning all about basic first aid including how to put someone in the recovery position 

Spring 2

We have also had an introductory visit to the Warrington Youth Zone or WYZ. 

We met a lot of the staff and saw all the great activities it has to offer. 

So now if we want to go it won’t be quite so strange and unfamiliar